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Miss Man International Education信念國際教育與學校、社會企業、教育機構等合作夥伴合作,舉辦各種活動,包括工作坊、訓練、講座、合辦比賽等。我們現在為您帶來最新的消息和活動。

如需查看我們活動的更多照片,請追蹤及讚好我們的 Facebook

FISO Presentation at Yuen Long Primary School

We are so happy to visit the primary school in Yuen Long to deliver the FISO presentation to the teachers and principal.

Thank you so much for attending the presentation.

我們很高興能夠訪問元朗的小學,向老師和校長展示 FISO #未來智能學生奧林匹克比賽的演講。



FISO Presentation at Yuen Long Primary School

We are so happy to visit the primary school in Yuen Long to deliver the FISO presentation to the teachers and principal.

Thank you so much for attending the presentation.

我們很高興能夠訪問元朗的小學,向老師和校長展示 FISO #未來智能學生奧林匹克比賽的演講。



FISO Presentation at Yuen Long Primary School

We are so happy to visit the primary school in Yuen Long to deliver the FISO presentation to the teachers and principal.

Thank you so much for attending the presentation.

我們很高興能夠訪問元朗的小學,向老師和校長展示 FISO #未來智能學生奧林匹克比賽的演講。


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信念國際教育 Miss Man International Education 與聖若瑟教區中學第五校合作

我們正處於一個快速變化的時代,#FISO不僅是一個比賽,更是一個提升學生各方面能力的國際平台。我們信念國際教育 Miss Man International Education 與聖若瑟教區中學第五校的合作將為更多學生打開通往未來的機會,讓他們在數學、科學、英語、資訊科技、推理與邏輯及藝術等領域綻放光彩。


We are in an era of rapid change. FISO is not only a competition, but also an international platform to improve students' abilities in all aspects. We believe that Miss Man International Education’s partnership with Colégio Diocesano de São José 5 will open up opportunities for more students in the future in areas such as mathematics, science, English, digital technology, reasoning and logic, and art.

FISO covers a variety of subjects and cultivates students' logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. FISO is also very international because students from more than 30 countries or regions participate every year, allowing students to improve themselves.

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宣布 - 信念國際教育與巴基斯坦和平學校和學院國際部合作!

🌍 全球曝光:分享國際教材、比賽、資源和經驗。
🔭 技能發展:培養批判性思維、創造力和領導能力。
🗺 文化交流:促進不同文化之間的理解與合作。

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with The Peace Group of Schools and Colleges to enhance educational experiences for students in Pakistan! 👍👍
🌍Global Exposure:Access to international educational competitions, resources and experiences.
🔭Skill Development: Cultivating critical thinking, creativity, and leadership skills.
🗺Cultural Exchange: Fostering understanding and collaboration among diverse cultures.

International cell of The Peace group of schools and colleges Pakistan has a vast network of schools and colleges in Pakistan that extends its unique learning experience in 8 districts of KPK, Pakistan.The Peace Group of Schools and Colleges is a well-known and renowned institution of Pakistan. The Peace system is providing quality education since 2001 and producing excellent board results in FSc every year. Beside quality education they are focusing on personality development, discipline, moral values , sports, co curricular activities and sociocultural grooming of their students. Hundreds of Students from their system appear in multiple International contest and achieve distinctions. 


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由於Miss Man 之前實在太忙,未有時間整理及表達,我最記得幾位參賽者,

1. 這位參賽者來自澳門佢本身讀中文學校,他用咗一個多月時間去準備及寫了一篇幾百字英文文章,最後獲得金獎

2. 這位參賽者來自香港,本身香港學校有參加,但他自己報名,因為他沒有在學校修讀旅款科,但他十分喜歡AI 及旅款科,所以參加是次比賽,獲得金獎!

3. 另一位參賽者會升上中一,他很想參加是次比賽,當然每位學生也有潛力及潛質,所以他參加獲得金獎!

再次謝謝來自澳洲 The Hotel School Mr Tim Rudling 及 Ms Betty Lui 在香港頒奬,希望下次再接再厲!


The International Hotel and Tourism Hospitality Scholarship Competition (ITHS) 2024

Since Miss Man was too busy before, she did not have time to organize and express herself. I remember a few contestants the most.

1. This contestant is from Macau. He studied at a Chinese school. He spent more than a month preparing and wrote an article of several hundred words in English, and finally won the gold award.

2. This contestant is from Hong Kong. His school in Hong Kong had participated, but he registered himself because he did not study hospitality in school. However, he is very interested in AI and hospitality, so he participated in this competition and won the gold award!

3. Another contestant will be promoted to grade 7. He really wanted to participate in this competition. Of course, every student has potential and quality, so he participated and won the gold award!

Again, thanks to Mr. Tim Rudling and Ms. Betty Lui from The Hotel School in Australia for presenting the awards in Hong Kong. Hope to do better next time!

For more photos and moments of ceremony, please visit:

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HIPPO and FISO Award

非常感謝 #HIPPO和FISO頒發Miss Man信念國際教育證書和水晶獎杯。我們非常高興我們的學生能夠參加在杜拜舉行的 #FISO全球賽和在香港舉行的HIPPO資格賽。我們很高興能夠互相幫助和支持!

Thank you very much for HIPPO and FISO to award Miss Man International Education certificate and crystal trophy. We are so glad that our students can join the FISO Global round in Dubai and HIPPO Qualifier in Hong Kong. It is our pleasure to help and support each other!

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How to be an entrepreneur

剛在香港完了 HIPPO Qualifier Round ,今日Miss Man 立即與 #澳洲 The Hotel School, Southern Cross University 及 澳洲 #Academy of Entrepreneurs Karen 談談 #國際比賽及研學團,我們在 #香港 九月再見!

Miss Man just finished the HIPPO Qualifier Round in Hong Kong, and today I immediately talked with #Australia The Hotel School, Southern Cross University and Australia #Academy of Entrepreneurs Karen about the #international competition and research study trip. We'll see you again in #Hong Kong in September!

For more information, please visit:

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恭喜Pan Chon Hei 同學!Miss Man 好欣賞同學努力的成果,因為他用了一個月去準備這個比賽,同學認真的態度值得我們欣賞和學習!

Congratulations to student Pan Chon Hei! Miss Man is very impressed with the student's effort and results, as they spent a month preparing for this competition. The student's serious attitude is worthy of our appreciation and learning!


HIPPO Qualifier Round in Hong Kong

Congratulations to our students from Hong Kong and #Macau for participating and winning the Qualifier round. Miss Man met many candidates from other regions and countries such as #Philippines, #Mongolia, #Indonesia, #Singapore, etc. Well done to our students!

The next destination is Italy

Angus Chan (1st place in HIPPO S2)

FONG Chi Him (3 rd place in Baby HIPPO)

Jo Yi Au (Little Hippo)

恭喜我們來自香港和澳門的學生參加並贏得了HIPPO Qualifier Round。Miss Man 遇見了來自其他地區和國家的許多參賽者,比如菲律賓、蒙古、#印尼#新加坡等。我們的學生做得很出色!


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Ireland- Readquest Competition Award Ceremony

**教育交流之夜圓滿落幕 感謝各界嘉賓的參與!**

#Ireland Education : ReadQuest Chinese and English Writing Challenge and Competition

昨天(2024年6月29日),由愛爾蘭教育、香港跨國教育服務中心、#Miss Man國際教育及 #全人發展教育創新社會企業共同主合辦的頒獎典禮圓滿落幕

活動開始於上午11時15分,首先由各主辦單位代表致歡迎詞,介紹了本次活動的意義和重要性。隨後,愛爾蘭商會主席Padraig Seif先生和都柏林大學學生會香港和澳門分會主席Henry Au先生分別發表了精彩的嘉賓演講。


再次感謝各位嘉賓的蒞臨,您們的參與和支持是我們成功舉辦此次活動的關鍵。我們期待未來能有更多精彩的教育交流活動,為促進香港和 #愛爾蘭之間的教育合作做出貢獻


**Education Exchange Night Concludes Successfully, Gratitude to All Attendees!**

#Ireland Education : ReadQuest Chinese and English Writing Challenge and Competition

Yesterday (June 29, 2024), the awards ceremony co-organized by Education in Ireland, Hong Kong Transnational Education Service Centre, Miss Man International Education and All-round Development Educational Innovation Social Enterprise concluded successfully.

The event began at 11:15 AM, starting with welcome remarks and introductions of the event's significance by representatives from the organizing parties. Subsequently, Mr. Padraig Seif, Chairman of the Irish Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong, and Mr. Henry Au, Alumni Chairman of Trinity College, University of Dublin, Hong Kong and Macau, delivered insightful guest speeches.

The final segment was the awards presentation, where guest speakers announced and presented the winners of the Chinese and English writing competitions. All participating students demonstrated outstanding writing skills, adding to the lively atmosphere of the event.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the guests for their attendance and support, which were key to the successful organization of this event. We look forward to hosting more exciting education exchange activities in the future, contributing to the educational collaboration between Hong Kong and #Ireland.

*All photos taken by photographers will be shared with everyone next week, thank you.



恭喜 #澳門培道中學在 #FISO的推理與邏輯中獲得鑽石獎 及多項奬項

Congratulations to POOI TO MIDDLE SCHOOL MACAU for winning the Diamond Award and multiple other awards in #FISO Reasoning and Logic competition!



恭喜歐同學在 #2024年國際酒店與旅遊款待專題研習獎學金比賽獲得鑽石奬,另外2位同學獲金獎!歐同學在頒獎典禮當天做了一個 presentation 給在場的觀眾!

Congratulations to the students!

Congratulations to 歐紫晴同學for winning the Diamond Award in the #2024 International Hotel and Tourism Hospitality Research Scholarship Competition. Another 2 students also won the Gold Award! On the day of the award ceremony, 歐紫晴同學gave a presentation to the audience in attendance.

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恭喜 #張柿松紀念中學遠赴杜拜,出戰「美國未來智能學生奧林匹克比賽( FISO全球賽)2023/2024」,與來自全球不同國家和地區的數學尖子同場競技!同學表現優秀,榮獲6個獎項,包括銀獎2名和銅獎4名,為港增光!

他們已經由 #FISO national round 預國賽 International round 國際賽及 Global round 全球賽支持至今!


FISO global round 全球賽

FISO International round 國際賽

FISO National round 預國賽

Congratulations to Weo Chang Pui Chung Memorial School for traveling to Dubai to participate in the "Future Intelligent Student Olympics (FISO Global Competition) 2023/2024" and competing with top math students from different countries and regions around the world! The students performed excellently and won 6 awards, including 2 silver medals and 4 bronze medals, bringing honor to Hong Kong!

They have been supported by the FISO national round, international round, and global round competitions!

During the competition, the students had exchanges with participants from different countries, exchanged souvenirs, and shared their national cultures. At the award ceremony, the students proudly raised the flag of the Hong Kong region. After the competition, the students visited the old city, Palm Island, the Future Museum, and the Burj Khalifa. They also went desert driving in off-road vehicles and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. The students expressed that the journey brought them many unforgettable experiences and broadened their horizons.



恭喜澳門培道中學在 #杜拜#FISO全球賽獲得優異成績!再次感謝老師和家長的支持鼓勵和體諒

Congratulations to Pooi To Middle School Macau for their outstanding performance at the #Dubai #FISO Global Competition! Once again, thank you to the teachers and parents for their support, encouragement and understanding.

澳門培道中學在 #杜拜#FISO全球賽獲得優異成績.jpg

Miss Man International Education Award Ceremony 2024

2024年度由Miss Man International Education 國際信念教育及全人教育發展創新社企頒獎典禮圓滿在6月30日舉行,現場氣氛熱烈。這次典禮表揚了多位在國際比賽中取得出色成績的學生,包括:

FISO Global Round 2024:來自港澳的學生在數學等領域獲得銅牌和銀牌獎項。

FISO International Round 2024則有16位學生獲得最高榮譽的鑽石獎,創下了任何國家或地區的最高紀錄。




All-round Development Mathematic Challenge Cup 2024:兩位同學在數學方面表現出色,獲得金獎。

在頒獎環節,我們非常感謝到場的各界嘉賓,包括來自 #英國伯明翰大學#香港優才國際教育及全人教育發展創新社企的代表蒞臨並致辭。他們的支持和鼓勵,無疑為我們的學生增添了榮耀感。

最後,我們還將部分比賽 #收益捐贈予全人教育發展創新社企,希望能為社區帶來正面的影響。我們期待明年再次與大家見面,見證更多學生的成就!


The 2024 Award Ceremony, organized by Miss Man International Education and the All-round Development Educational Innovation Social Enterprise, was successfully held on June 30th with an enthusiastic atmosphere. This ceremony recognized the outstanding achievements of students in various international competitions, including:

FISO Global Round 2024: Students from Hong Kong and Macau won bronze and silver medals in subjects such as Mathematics.

FISO International Round 2024: 16 of our students won the prestigious Diamond Award, the highest number achieved by any country or region in this global competition.

HIPPO English Olympiad: Many of our students advanced to the World Final rounds, achieving remarkable results.

JEO (Junior English Olympiad) Preliminary Round: Two students received the Gold Award.

CREST Olympiad (Spell Bee): One student was awarded the CREST Achievers Trophy.

All-round Development Mathematic Challenge Cup 2024: Two students excelled in the mathematics competition, winning the Gold Award.

During the award presentation, we were honored to have guests from #University of Birmingham, #Hong Kong U-Charm International Education, and the All-round Development Educational Innovation Social Enterprise attend and deliver inspiring speeches. Their support and encouragement undoubtedly added to the pride and recognition of our students.

Finally, we will be donating a portion of the competition proceeds to the All-round Development Educational Innovation Social Enterprise, hoping to make a positive contribution to the community. We look forward to seeing everyone again next year to witness more student achievements!

For more photos and moments of ceremony, please visit:

澳門培道中學在 #杜拜#FISO全球賽獲得優異成績.jpg

恭喜 #培道中學在 #杜拜FISO 全球賽中榮獲16個奬項,恭喜老師、同學和家長!









Congratulations to #培道中學 for winning 16 awards at the #杜拜FISO global competition! Congratulations to the teachers, students, and parents!

2 Bronze in English

1 Bronze in Science

2 Bronze in Arts

2 Bronze in Mathematics

1 Silver in Arts

5 Silver in English

2 Silver in Mathematics

1 Gold in English



恭喜同學 Alison Wong FISO Global round 全世界球賽獲銅獎 #澳門培正中學

FISO Global round 全世界球賽獲銅獎 #澳門培正中學.png



上次Miss Man 見完校長及各科主任之後,學校提供多元化的活動和關心學生身心發展!

Congratulations, fellow students! Many thanks to the teachers for their hard work and support!

After Miss Man’s meeting with the principal and department heads last time, the school has provided a diverse range of activities and cares for the students’ physical and mental development!




我們很開心與培道小學分享 #澳洲英語語言教學方法,分享 #澳洲以不同活動方式針對各種學生而採取英語教學


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#教育革命 #教學策略 #21世紀課堂

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多謝愛爾蘭政府貿易與科技委員會區域主管Patrick Yau先生的信,鼓勵學校和學生參加比賽。你的支持對我們來說非常重要!



#閱讀探索中英挑戰與比賽」由愛爾蘭貿易及科技發展局轄下的Education in Ireland 主辦,比賽不僅能提升學生閱讀能力及促進文化交流,參賽學生更能獲得證書,成績優異者更有機會參加愛爾蘭遊學團及獲得豐富獎品,無論對學生或學校來說均是難得的機會。

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Miss Man International Education 信念國際教育
電話/WhatsApp(香港):+852 5918 5176 / +852 6714 3779

電話/WhatsApp(澳門):+853 6662 9026

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香港辦公室地址 🇭🇰: 29/F, Tower 5, The Gateway, 15 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍尖沙咀海港城廣東道15號港威大廈第5座29樓
香港教學地址  🇭🇰:B31, 3 Tsing Ling Path, Tung Wai Court, Tuen Mun, NT, Hong Kong
澳門地址🇲🇴: Avenida da Praia Grande, No.371, Edif. Keng Ou, 24 Andar A

澳洲地址🇦🇺:Level 14, 275 Alfred Street North Sydney NSW 2060


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