ReadQuest Chinese & English Challenges & Competition 閱讀探索中英挑戰比賽
For more details, please visit https://studyin-ireland.info/

Ireland in Education, the Hong Kong Transnational Education Services Centre, Miss Man International Education and All-round Development Educational Innovation (social enterprise) have joined forces to present an exciting opportunity for schools and students: the ReadQuest Chinese & English Challenges & Competition. This collaborative initiative aims to promote literacy, language proficiency, and cultural exchange among participants, competition details are as follows:
Secondary School students in 2 separate groups:
Junior form: Secondary 1 - 3 (Grade 7 - 9) : Category 1
Senior form: Secondary 4 - 6 (Grade 10 - 12): Category 2
Competition information
Competition dates: 14 or 21 April 2024 (online mode, pick one day only)
Time: To be confirmed
School testing period: 8 April to 26 April 2024
(School coordinators can arrange for students to take the online or paper- based test in the schools (Schools need to bring their own printed papers and answer sheets.) or arrange for students to attend the online test on 14 or 21 April, which will be hosted by Miss Man International Education.)
Competition fees: Free of charge
Competition duration and format
Competition duration: 1 hour
Competition question types: Mainly multiple-choice questions, four to five Chinese and English reading comprehension articles, from easy to difficult, a total of 40 questions
For more details, please visit the website:www.studyin-ireland.info
Whatsapp: +852 5918 5176 / +852 67143779